Student can enroll in classes for each semester through the Registration Office’s online system, or in person at the Registration Office on main campus. You can check the Registration Office website to see Enrollment and Add/Drop Class deadlines.
If you were not able to enroll in time, your advisor may be able to enroll you in classes.
To use the online system you will need to have your Student ID number and your password.
Course Enrollment Handbook
Service Handbook
Chiang Mai University Registration Handbook For Undergraduate Level Academic Year 2021 (For Undergraduate Students)
Manual of course addition by responsible departments
Late course Enrollment
Course Withdrawal With Grade W Handbook for Student
Student’s Guidelines for Course Withdrawal with Grade W
Deferred Evaluation with the Grade “I” Handbook for Student
Student’s Guidelines to Request for a Deferred Evaluation with the Grade “I”
Deferred Evaluation with the Grade I Handbook For Course Instructor, Manager and Advisor
Course Instructor’s Guideline to response for a request for a Deferred Evaluation with the Grade “I”
Taking a Leave of Absence to Maintain an Undergraduate Student Status Via the Internet (For Undergraduate Student)
Resignation from Being a Student at Chiang Mai University (For Undergraduate Student)