Publications :
1. Nobuko Shimizu, Takako Yamada, Nobuyuki Honda, Miyako Mochizuki, Mayumi Kato, Noboru Hasegawa, Hunsa Sethabouppha, Nattaya Suwankruhasn and Chalinee Suvanayos. (2023). Qualitative Study on Important Elements of Life for Japanese and Thai Older Adults. Journal of Ageing and Longevity. 3(1), 11-32.
2. Anong Amaritakomol, Rungsrit Kanjanavanit, Nattaya Suwankruhasn, Paleerat Topaiboon, Krit Leemasawat, Rattanachai Chanchai, Patrick Jourdain and Arintaya Phrommintikul. (2019). Enhancing Knowledge and Self-Care Behavior of Heart Failure Patients by Interactive Educational Board Game. Games for health journal. 8(3), 177-186.
3. Nattaya Suwankruhasn, Linchong Pothiban, Sirirat Panuthai and Pikul Boonchuang. (2013). Effects of a Self-management Support Program for Thai People Diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research. 17(4), 371-384.
1. Kamissara Chareonsopakun, Sirirat Panuthai and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2022). Health Literacy and Self-Management Among Older Persons with Gastrointestinal Cancer. Nursing Journal CMU. 49(4), 207-219
2. Kanyana Meesarapee, Nattaya Suwankruhasn and Rojanee Chintanawat. (2022). Health Literacy and Self-management among Older Persons with Knee Osteoarthritis Stage 3. Ramathibodi Nursing Journal. 28(3), 353-369
3. Pakkawat Booncharoenthanapong, Decha Tamdee and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2022). Health Literacy and Self-Care Behaviors among Older Persons with Psoriasis. Journal of Health and Nursing Research. 38(3), 143-154
4. Netnapa Phanlek, Nattaya Suwankruhasn and Rojanee Chintanawat. (2022). Factors Predicting Self-Management Among Older Persons with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nursing Journal CMU. 49(4), 99-113
5. Winut Duangsanjun, Sirirat Panuthai, Nattaya Suwankruhasn and Nattapong Kosachunhanun. (2022). Carbohydrate Intake and Hemoglobin A1c in Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nursing Journal CMU. 49(3), 122-133
6. Supawadee Thitimoon, Nattaya Suwankruhasn and Sirirat Panuthai. (2022). Health Literacy and Self-Management Among Elderly Ischemic Stroke Survivors. Nursing Journal CMU. 49(3), 56-69
7. Nattaya Yakong, Sirirat Panuthai and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2022). Effect of PITS-Based Education on Health Literacy Among Older Persons with Type-2 Diabetes. Nursing Journal CMU. 49(3), 70-82
8. Naruephat Duwao, Rojanee Chintanawat and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2022). Predictive Factors for Self-Management Amongst Older Persons with Knee Osteoarthritis. Thai Journal of Nursing Council. 37(3), 75-92
9. Rumpaipun Noiboontun, Sirirat Panuthai and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2022). Health Literacy and Self-Management Among Older Persons with Metabolic Syndrome. Nursing Journal CMU. 49(1), 213-224
10. Kamjad Puanfai, Nattaya Suwankruhasn and Khwanfa Tantiwut. (2022). Factors Related to Paclitaxel Hypersensitivity Among Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy at Outpatient Chemotherapy Unit 1 Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. Nursing Journal CMU. 49(1), 238-251
11. Orapin Manoros, Totsaporn Khampolsiri and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2021). Effects of a Self-Management Education Program on Self-Management Behaviors Among Older Persons with Atrial Fibrillation. Nursing Journal. 48(1), 28-40
12. Totsaporn Khampolsiri, Rojanee Chintanawat and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2020). Exploration of Community Capacity, Thasala Sub-district, Chiang Mai Province, in Caring of Dependent Older People. The Public health journal of Burapha University. 15(2), 86-98
13. Ruchira Thukchai, Paradee Nanasilp and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2020). Factors Related to Readiness for Hospital Discharge Among Older Patients Undergone Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Nursing Journal. 47(2), 274-285
14. Thitinan Duangjina, Sirirat Panuthai and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2020). Food Consumption Behavior and Nutritional Status in Dependent Older Persons. Nursing Journal. 47(1), 231-241
15. Wanicha Pungchompoo, Nattaya Suwankruhasn and Bumnet Saengrut. (2017). Developing of Innovation in Nursing Education: a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Gerontological Nursing. Nursing Journal. 44(Supplement. 2), 103-110
16. Suwaree Niraso, Sirirat Panuthai and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2017). Predicting Factors of Readiness for Hospital Discharge Among Older Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Nursing Journal. 44(4), 61-70
17. Sarapee Seesopon, Linchong Pothiban and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2017). Buddhist Beliefs and Caregiving Burden Among Caregivers of Older Persons with Congestive Heart Failure. Journal of Nursing and Education. 10(3), 56-70
18. Pratum Soivong, Benjamas Suksatit, Totsaporn Khampolsiri and Nattaya Suwankruhasn. (2015). The Use of Standardized Patients in Nursing Education. Ramathibodi Nursing Journal. 21(3), 289-297